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  • 姓名: 彭广敦
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 学历: 
  • 电话: 
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: peng_guangdun@gibh.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址 广州市科学城开源大道190号


  • 2009年博士毕业于中国科学院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)博士后;回国后在中国科学院上海生物化学与细胞生物学先后担任助理研究员、副研究员。20189月入职中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,担任研究员、课题组长、博士生导师。为国家高层次青年人才,广东省杰青,细胞谱系与发育研究中心副主任。


  • “细胞学说”指出“所有生命体皆由细胞组成”,“细胞是生命的基本单元”以及“所有细胞都由此前的细胞变化而来”等核心概念,成为现代生物学的重要基石。然而,细胞的类型如何定义、细胞的过去现在和未来如何精确解码—这些细胞的“谱系信息”在漫长的科学研究长河中,一直是科学中的重要和基本问题并没有得到很好的解答。捕获细胞谱系的多维信息,尤其是探究其在时间、空间维度的精确动态变化,是探索生命奥秘、解析发育程式、治愈疾病、延缓衰老的基础;对细胞谱系的精准操控,是基于细胞治疗、器官重建的未来再生医学应用之不可或缺的前提。本实验室围绕细胞的时空动态谱系问题,主要开展以下研究:








    聚焦细胞的时空动态谱系研究,以技术与数据驱动生物学新发现。开发了多种空间组学原创技术,绘制了小鼠着床后胚胎三个胚层建立过程高分辨率的时空动态分子图谱,揭示了多能干细胞的发育调控网络,解析了小鼠大脑的时空动态谱系发育过程,发现了新型的组织干细胞可用于体外器官重建与组织修复。发表研究论文及综述七十余篇,引用超过3000多次,通讯作者论文发表在NatureNature MethodsNature GeneticsAnnals of the Rheumatic DiseaseNature CommunicationsCell Reports等,研究成果获选“2019年度中国生命科学十大进展“2019年度中国生物信息学十大进展“2019年度中国生物信息学十大应用”。


  • 中国科学院器官重建与制造”A类战略性先导科技专项







  • 国际干细胞学会(ISSCR)会员


  • Sanofi-SIBS 2017 Distinguished Young Faculty    

    ISSCR 2017 Poster Award and Travel Award  



  • 2018-2024

    1.       Fan Y, Bian X, Meng X, Li L, Fu L, Zhang Y, Wang L, Zhang Y, Gao D, Guo X, Lammi MJ, Peng G* & Sun S* (2024) Unveiling inflammatory and prehypertrophic cell populations as key contributors to knee cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritis using multi-omics data integration. Ann Rheum Dis IF27

    2.       Qu F, Li W, Xu J, Zhang R, Ke J, Ren X, Meng X, Qin L, Zhang J, Lu F, Zhou X, Luo X, Zhang Z, Wang M, Wu G, Pei D, Chen J, Cui G*, Suo S*, Peng G* (2023) Three-dimensional molecular architecture of mouse organogenesis. Nat Commun, 14: 4599

    3.       Jiang F, Zhou X, Qian Y, Zhu M, Wang L, Li Z, Shen Q, Wang M, Qu F, Cui G, Chen K, Peng G* (2023) Simultaneous profiling of spatial gene expression and chromatin accessibility during mouse brain development. Nat Methods, 20: 1048–1057

    4.       Xu HJ, Yao Y, Yao F, Chen J, Li M, Yang X, Li S, Lu F, Hu P, He S*, Peng G*, Jing N* (2023) Generation of functional posterior spinal motor neurons from hPSCs-derived human spinal cord neural progenitor cells. Cell Regen, 12: 15

    5.       Meng X, Cui G, Peng G* (2023) Lung development and regeneration: newly defined cell types and progenitor status. Cell Regen, 12: 5

    6.      Chen C, Liao Y, Peng G* (2022) Connecting past and present: single-cell lineage tracing. Protein Cell

    7.       Cui G, Feng S, Yan Y, Wang L, He X, Li X, Duan Y, Chen J, Tang K, Zheng P, Tam PPL, Si W*, Jing N*, Peng G* (2022) Spatial molecular anatomy of germ layers in the gastrulating cynomolgus monkey embryo. Cell Rep, 40: 111285

    8.       Wen L, Li G, Huang T, Geng W, Pei H, Yang J, Zhu M, Zhang P, Hou R, Tian G, Su W, Chen J, Zhang D, Zhu P, Zhang W, Zhang X, Zhang N, Zhao Y, Cao X*, Peng G*, Ren X*, Jiang N*, Tian C*, Chen ZJ* (2022) Single-cell technologies: From research to application. Innovation (Camb), 3: 100342

    9.      Li Z, Peng G (2021) Spatial transcriptomics: new dimension of understanding biological complexity. Biophysics Reports, 7: 1–17

    10.   Xia Q, Cui G, Fan Y, Wang X, Hu G, Wang L, Luo X, Yang L, Cai Q, Xu K, Guo W, Gao M, Li Y, Wu J, Li W, Chen J, Qi H, Peng G*, Yao H* (2021) RNA helicase DDX5 acts as a critical regulator for survival of neonatal mouse gonocytes. Cell Prolif, 54: e13000

    11.   Lin J, Wu S, Shen Q, Liu J, Huang S, Peng G*, Qiao Y* (2021) Base editing-mediated perturbation of endogenous PKM1/2 splicing facilitates isoform-specific functional analysis in vitro and in vivo. Cell Prolif, e13096

    12.    Peng, G.*, Cui, G., Ke, J. and Jing, N. (2020) Using Single-Cell and Spatial Transcriptomes to Understand Stem Cell Lineage Specification During Early Embryo Development. Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet 2020; 21 163-181.

    13.    Peng G#*, Suo S#, Cui G#, Yu F#, Wang R, Chen J, Chen S, Liu Z, Chen G, Qian Y, Tam PPL, Han JJ*, Jing N* (2019) Molecular architecture of lineage allocation and tissue organization in early mouse embryo. Nature, 572: 528–532

    14.    Liu Q, Liu K, Cui G, Huang X, Yao S, Guo W, Qin Z, Li Y, Yang R, Pu W, Zhang L, He L, Zhao H, Yu W, Tang M, Tian X, Cai D, Nie Y, Hu S, Ren T, Qiao Z, Huang H, Zeng YA, Jing N, Peng G*, Ji H*, Zhou B* (2019) Lung regeneration by multipotent stem cells residing at the bronchioalveolar-duct junction. Nat Genet, 51: 728–738

    15.    Cui, G., Jing, N. and Peng, G.* (2019) Comments on ‘Molecular architecture of lineage allocation and tissue organization in early mouse embryo’. J Mol Cell Biol 11, 1024-1025.

    16.    Peng G, Han JJ (2018) Regulatory network characterization in development: challenges and opportunities. F1000Res, 7:

    17.    Cui G, Suo S, Wang R, Qian Y, Han JJ*, Peng G*, Tam PPL*, Jing N* (2018) Mouse gastrulation: Attributes of transcription factor regulatory network for epiblast patterning. Dev Growth Differ, 60: 463–472

    18.    Han X#, Luo S#, Peng G#, Lu JY, Cui G, Liu L, Yan P, Yin Y, Liu W, Wang R, Zhang J, Ai S, Chang Z, Na J, He A, Jing N, Shen X (2018) Mouse knockout models reveal largely dispensable but context-dependent functions of lncRNAs during development. J Mol Cell Biol, 10: 175–178 


    19.    Peng G (2017) Looking Back: Single-Cell Analysis Empowering Stem Cell Studies (2017) Cell Stem Cell 20: 758 (Commentary)

    20.    Peng G, Tam PPL, Jing N (2017) Lineage specification of early embryos and embryonic stem cells at the dawn of enabling technologies. National Science Review, 4: 533–542

    21.    Peng G*, Jing N* (2017) The genome-wide molecular regulation of mouse gastrulation embryo. Sci China Life Sci, 60: 363–369

    22.    Chen J#, Suo S#, Tam PP, Han JJ, Peng G*, Jing N* (2017) Spatial transcriptomic analysis of cryosectioned tissue samples with Geo-seq. Nat Protoc, 12: 566–580

    23.    Peng G#, Suo S#, Chen J#, Chen W, Liu C, Yu F, Wang R, Chen S, Sun N, Cui G, Song L, Tam PP, Han JD*, Jing N* (2016) Spatial transcriptome for the molecular annotation of lineage fates and cell identity in mid-gastrula mouse embryo. Dev Cell, 36: 681–697 

    (*: corresponding author; #: first author)

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