1997.8-2001.7 南京大学 生物物理学 学士
2001.8-2006.7 清华大学 结构生物学 博士
2006.7-至今 中国科学院生物物理研究所,研究员;课题组组长;蛋白质科学研究平台生物成像中心首席科学家(兼主任)
2015.9-至今 中国科学院大学生命科学学院 教授
2023.3-至今 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院 研究员
2018-至今 中国生物物理学会理事会常务理事
2018-至今 中国生物物理学会冷冻电子显微学分会理事会副理事长
2018-至今 北京电镜学会理事会副理事长
2018-至今 中国电子显微镜学会理事会常务理事
2014-至今 Biophysics Reports 副主编
2018-至今 International Union of Crystallography(IUCr)CryoEM分部编委
2021-至今 《生物物理与生物化学进展》副主编
2021-至今 《植物学报》编委
2008 全国优秀博士论文奖;
2008 第八届“中央国家机关优秀青年”;
2009 贝时璋青年生物物理学家奖;
2012 所带团队荣获中央国家机关“青年文明号”称号;
2017 中国生物物理学会冷电电子显微镜分会 “杰出贡献奖”;
2018 教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者;
2020 国家杰出青年基金;
2021 北京市科学技术进步奖一等奖;
2022 中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖;
1.Xu J, Liao C, Yin CC, Li G*, Zhu Y*, Sun F*. In situ structural insights into the excitation-contraction coupling mechanism of skeletal muscle. Sci Adv 2024, 10(12): eadl1126.
2.Tai L, Yin G, Huang X, Sun F*, Zhu Y*. In-cell structural insight into the stability of sperm microtubule doublet. Cell Discov 2023, 9(1): 116.
3.Li S, Wang Z, Jia X, Niu T, Zhang J, Yin G, Zhang X, Zhu Y*, Ji G*, Sun F*. ELI trifocal microscope: a precise system to prepare target cryo-lamellae for in situ cryo-ET study. Nat Methods 2023, 20(2): 276-283.
4.Li S, Jia X, Niu T, Zhang X, Qi C, Xu W, Deng H, Sun F*, Ji G*. HOPE-SIM, a cryo-structured illumination fluorescence microscopy system for accurately targeted cryo-electron tomography. Commun Biol 2023, 6(1): 474.
5.Tai L, Zhu Y, Ren H, Huang X, Zhang C*, Sun F*. 8 Å structure of the outer rings of the Xenopus laevis nuclear pore complex obtained by cryo-EM and AI. Protein Cell 2022, 13(10): 760-777.
6.Zhang Y, Pang X, Li J, Xu J, Hsu VW*, Sun F*. Structural insights into membrane remodeling by SNX1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021, 118(10).
7.Du J, Wang D, Fan H, Xu C, Tai L, Lin S, Han S, Tan Q, Wang X, Xu T, Zhang H, Chu X, Yi C, Liu P, Wang X, Zhou Y, Pin JP, Rondard P, Liu H, Liu J*, Sun F*, Wu B*, Zhao Q*. Structures of human mGlu2 and mGlu7 homo- and heterodimers. Nature 2021, 594(7864): 589-593.
8.Fan H, Wang B, Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Song B, Xu H, Zhai Y, Qiao M*, Sun F*. A cryo-electron microscopy support film formed by 2D crystals of hydrophobin HFBI. Nat Commun 2021, 12(1): 7257.
9.Zhang J, Zhang D, Sun L, Ji G, Huang X, Niu T, Xu J, Ma C, Zhu Y, Gao N, Xu W, Sun F*. VHUT-cryo-FIB, a method to fabricate frozen hydrated lamellae from tissue specimens for in situ cryo-electron tomography. J Struct Biol 2021, 213(3): 107763.
10.Qiao A, Han S, Li X, Li Z, Zhao P, Dai A, Chang R, Tai L, Tan Q, Chu X, Ma L, Thorsen TS, Reedtz-Runge S, Yang D, Wang MW, Sexton PM, Wootten D, Sun F*, Zhao Q*, Wu B*. Structural basis of G(s) and G(i) recognition by the human glucagon receptor. Science 2020, 367(6484): 1346-1352.
11.Huang X, Zhang L, Wen Z, Chen H, Li S, Ji G, Yin CC, Sun F*. Amorphous nickel titanium alloy film: A new choice for cryo electron microscopy sample preparation. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2020, 156: 3-13.
12.Zhu G, Zeng H, Zhang S, Juli J, Pang X, Hoffmann J, Zhang Y, Morgner N, Zhu Y*, Peng G*, Michel H*, Sun F*. A 3.3 Å-Resolution Structure of Hyperthermophilic Respiratory Complex III Reveals the Mechanism of Its Thermal Stability. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2020, 59(1): 343-351.
13.Gong H, Li J, Xu A, Tang Y, Ji W, Gao R, Wang S, Yu L, Tian C, Li J, Yen HY, Man Lam S, Shui G, Yang X, Sun Y, Li X, Jia M, Yang C, Jiang B, Lou Z, Robinson CV, Wong LL, Guddat LW, Sun F*, Wang Q*, Rao Z*. An electron transfer path connects subunits of a mycobacterial respiratory supercomplex. Science 2018, 362(6418).
14.Wei R, Wang X, Zhang Y, Mukherjee S, Zhang L, Chen Q, Huang X, Jing S, Liu C, Li S, Wang G, Xu Y, Zhu S, Williams AJ, Sun F*, Yin CC*. Structural insights into Ca(2+)-activated long-range allosteric channel gating of RyR1. Cell Res 2016, 26(9): 977-994.
15.Li S, Ji G*, Shi Y, Klausen LH, Niu T, Wang S, Huang X, Ding W, Zhang X, Dong M, Xu W, Sun F*. High-vacuum optical platform for cryo-CLEM (HOPE): A new solution for non-integrated multiscale correlative light and electron microscopy. J Struct Biol 2018, 201(1): 63-75.