题目1:On big data and AI driven smart healthcare
主讲人:尤佳 教授(香港理工大学)
时间:2019年6月24日 10:30am
主持人:段子渊 研究员
此外,尤教授还是多个国际学术界重要杂志的副主编,包括国际知名杂志模式识别(Pattern Recognition), 并为许多知名杂志审稿,同时积极参与多个国际学术会议系列的组织工作。
题目2:How to publish at Cell Research and Cell Discovery
主讲人:Dr. Xiaolei Liu, Scientific Editor at Cell Research and Cell Discovery
时间:2019年6月24日 10:00-11:00am
主持人:鲍习琛 研究员
Cell Research (CR) and Cell Discovery (CD) are both premium international journals covering broad areas of life sciences. Xiaolei Liu joined the CR editorial team in 2011. Now she handles manuscripts submitted to CR and CD. As a full-time in-house Scientific Editor, she have observed several shortcomings in the manuscript preparation and submission process. She will share the editorial process and peer-review process of CR and CD. She will tell you how the CR editorial team evaluate papers, and what role they play during the whole peer-review process. Specially, she will give some advices to junior students on how to prepare a good research paper.