2013年本科毕业于西北农林科技大学植物科学与技术专业。2013年至2018年就读于复旦大学生命科学学院生物化学与分子生物学专业,导师为麻锦彪教授。2018年至2020年在南方科技大学从事博士后研究工作,合作导师为Dinshaw J. Patel以及黄鸿达教授。2020年入选中山大学“百人计划”青年拔尖引进人才,受聘于中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院工作,任PI副研究员;2024年获批广东省“特支计划”青年拔尖人才。2025年3月受聘于中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,任创新药物研究所核酸化学课题组长,PI研究员。
研究工作以(共同)第一/通讯作者发表在Nature Communications, Nucleic Acids Research, Molecular Plant, JBC, Journal of Virology, Frontiers in Microbiology, iScience, Structure等国际期刊。此外,以共同作者在Molecular Cell,PNAS,Cell research等发表多篇成果。目前担任RICE, ACS Omega, Frontiers in Plant Science, BBA-Reviews on Cancer等期刊杂志的审稿人。个人主页:https://www.x-mol.com/groups/wu_baixing. Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_bGMyZkAAAAJ&hl=ja.
2009.09-2013.09 西北农林科技大学农学院,植物科学与技术专业,学士
2013.09-2018.09 复旦大学生命科学学院,生物化学与分子生物学,博士
2018.06-2020.06 南方科技大学生物系,博士后
2020.06-2025.02 中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院,PI,副研究员
2025.03-至今 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,医药创新研究所,PI,研究员
[1] 国家自然科学基金;批准年度:2018年;项目起止年月:2018-01至2021-12(已结题,参与)
[2] 中山大学“百人计划”启动项目;批准年度:2020年;项目起止年月:2020-06至2023-06(主持)
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目;批准年度:2019年;项目起止年月:2020-01至2021-12(已结题,主持)
[4] 广东省恶性肿瘤表观遗传与基因调控重点实验室开放课题专项基金;批准年度:2021年;项目起止年月:2021-02至2022-12 (已结题,主持)
[5] 中山大学青年教师培育项目(重点项目);2023年;项目起止年月:2023-08至2023-12 (已结题,主持)
[6] 广东省卫健委“特支计划”青年拔尖人才项目;2024年;项目起止年月:2024-10至2027-10 (在研,主持)
一作或通讯发表的文章 (* Corresponding, # First authors):
1) Meng, C. #, Guo, W. #, Xiao, C. #, Wen, Y. #, Zhu, X., Zhang, Q., Liang, Y., Li, H., Xu, S., Qiu, Y. *, Chen, H. *, Lin, WJ. *, Wu, B.* (2025) Structural Basis for Psilocybin Biosynthesis. Nature Communications.
2) Li, X. #, Guo W. #, Wen, Y. #, Meng, C., Zhang, Q., Chen, H., Zhao, X.*, Wu, B.* (2025) Molecular basis for the RNA binding properties of IGF2BP3 tandem RBDs. Structure. 2025 Feb 12: S0969-2126(25)00022-X.
3) Wen, Y.#, Guo, W.#, Meng, C., Yang, J., Xu, S., Chen, H.*, Gan, J.*, Wu, B.*. Structural insights into the biosynthetic mechanism of Nα-GlyT and 5-NmdU hypermodifications of DNA. Nucleic Acids Research. 2024 Sep 12: gkae784.
4) Guo, W.#, Wu, W.#, Wen, Y., Gao, Y., Zhuang, S., Meng, C., Chen, H., Zhao, Z.*, Hu, K.*, Wu, B.*. Structural insights into the catalytic mechanism of the AP endonuclease AtARP. Structure. 2024. 32, 1-15
5) Guo, W.#; Li, X.#; Fan, J.#; Li, H.#; Wen, Y.; Meng, C.; Zhu, X.; Chen, H.; Zhang, Y.; Du, Y.*; Wu, B.*, Structural characterization of an isocytosine-specific deaminase VCZ reveals its application potential in the anti-cancer therapy. iScience. 2023, 26(9):107672
6) Liu, D.; Dredge, B. K.; Bert, A.; Pillman, K.; Toubia, J.; Guo, W.; Dyakov, B. J.A.; Migault, M.; Conn, V. M.; Conn, S. J.; Gregory, P. A.; Gingras, A-C; Patel, D.; Wu, B.*; Goodall, G.*, ESRP1 controls biogenesis and function of a large abundant multiexon circRNA. Nucleic acids research. 2024 Feb 9;52(3):1387-1403.
7) Li, X. #, Li, K. #, Guo, W., Wen, Y., Meng, C., Wu, B.*. (2022) Structure characterization of E. coli pseudouridine kinase PsuK. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022; 13:926099.
8) Wen Y.#, Li X.#, Guo W, Wu B*. Crystal structures of a new class of pyrimidine/purine nucleoside phosphorylase revealed a Cupin fold. Proteins. 2022; 90(6):1233-1241.
9) Liu Y.#, Zhang L.#, Guo M., Chen L., Wu B*, Huang H.*. Structural basis for anti-CRISPR repression mediated by Aca1 and Aca2. 2021. Journal of Biological Chemistry. Dec;297(6):101357.
10) Hou, Y.#, Sun J.#, Wu, B.#, Gao, Y.#, Nie H., Nie, Z., Quan, S., Wang Y.*, Cao, X*, Li, S.* (2021) CPSF30-L-mediated recognition of mRNA m6A modification controls alternative polyadenylation of nitrate signaling-related gene transcripts in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant. 2021 Apr 5;14(4):688-699.
11) Wang, N.#, Bao, H.#, Chen, L., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Wu, B.*, Huang H.* Molecular basis of abasic site sensing in single-stranded DNA by the SRAP domain of E. coli yedK. Nucleic acids research. 2019 Nov 4;47(19):10388-10399.
12) Wu, B.#,*, Zhang, D.#, Nie, H.#, Shen, S., Li, Y., Li, S.* (2019) Structure of Arabidopsis thaliana N6-methyl-AMP deaminase ADAL with bound GMP and IMP and implications for N6-methyl-AMP recognition and processing, RNA Biology, 16:10, 1504-1512
13) Qiu, Q.#, Mei, H.#, Deng, X.#, He, K.#, Wu, B.#, Yao, Q., Zhang J., Lu, F., Ma, J.*, Cao, X.*(2019) DNA methylation repels targeting of Arabidopsis REF6. Nature Communications. (2019) 10:2063
14) Wu, B. #, Su, S. #, Deepak P. Patil, Liu, H., Gan, J., Samie R. Jaffrey, Ma, J.* (2018) Molecular Basis for The Specific and Multivariate Recognitions of RNA Substrates by Human hnRNPA2/B1. Nature Communications. 9(1):420.
15) Wu, B., Li, L., Huang, Y*., Ma, J*., Min J*. (2017). Readers, writers and erasers of N6-methylated adenosine modification, Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 47:67-76.
16) Li, W.#, Wu, B.#, Soca, WA., An, L.* (2018) Crystal Structure of Classical Swine Fever Virus NS5B Reveals a Novel N-terminal Domain. Journal of Virology. 92(14). pii: e00324-18.
17) Wu, B. *, Xu, J., Su, S., Liu, H., Gan, J., Ma, J.* (2017) Structural insights into the specific recognition of DSR by the YTH domain-containing protein Mmi1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 491(2):310-316.
18) Li, Y.#, Wu, B.#, Liu, H., Gao, Y., Yang C., Chen X., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Gu, Y., Li, J., Ma, J., Gan, J.* (2018) Structural insights into target DNA recognition by the double homeodomains of human DUX4. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 505(4):1161-1167
19) Wu, B.#,*, Zhang, M.#, Su, S., Liu, H., Gan, J., Ma, J.* (2018) Structural insight into the role of VAL1 for targeting to FLC locus in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 501(2):415-422
1) Shen, Y.#, Liu, Y.#, Mao, S., Chen, R., Wang, M., Guo, M., Li, Y., Chen, W., Chen, F., Wu, B., Wang, C., Chen, W., Cui, H.*, Yuan, K.*, Huang, H*. Structural basis of the DEK-nucleosome complex and its implication on gene regulation. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.
2) Mao, Y.#, Zhang, J.#, Zhou, Q.#, He, X.#, Zheng, Z., Wei, Y., Zhou, K. Lin, Y., Yu, H., Zhang, H., Zhou, Y., Lin, P., Wu, B., Yuan, Y., Zhao, J., Xu, W.*, Zhao, S.*. (2024) Hypoxia Induces Mitochondrial Protein Lactylation to Limit Oxidative Phosphorylation. Cell Research. 2024. Jan;34(1):13-30.
3) Yao, Q.#, Cao, G.#, Li, M., Wu, B, Zhang, X, Zhang, T., Guo, J., Yin, H, Shi, L., Chen, J, Yu, X., Zheng, L., Ma, J.*, Su, Y.*. (2018) Ribonuclease activity of MARF1 controls oocyte RNA homeostasis and genome integrity in mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115(44):11250-11255.
4) Su, S.#, Li, S.#, Deng, T.#, Gao, M., Yin, Y., Peng C., Wu, B., Liu, J., Ma, J.*, Zhang, K.* Structural insights into human m6A-METTL associated complex. Cell Research (2022) 0:1–13.
5) Zhou, Q.#, Sun, WW. #, Chen, JC., Zhang, HL., Liu, J., Lin, Y., Lin PC., Wu, BX., An, YP., Huang L., Sun WX., Zhou, XW., Li, YM., Yuan, YY., Zhao, JY., Xu, W*., Zhao, SM.* Phenylalanine Impairs Insulin Signaling and Inhibits Glucose Uptake by Modifying IRβ. Nature Communications. 2022; 13(1):4291.
6) Yang, Y. #, Wang, L.#, Han, X.#, Yang, W-L.#, Zhang, M.#, Ma, H-L., Sun, B-F., Li, A., Xia, J., Chen, J., Heng, J., Wu, B., Chen, Y-S., Xu, J-W., Yang, X., Yao, H., Sun, J., Lyu, C., Wang, H-L., Huang, Y, Sun, Y-P., Zhao, Y-L., Meng, A., Ma, J.*, Liu, F.*, Yang, Y-G.* (2019) RNA 5-Methylcytosine Facilitates the Maternal-to-Zygotic Transition by Preventing Maternal mRNA Decay. Molecular Cell. 75, 1188–1202
7) He, J. #, Ye, W.#, Choi, D.#, Wu, B., Zhai, Y., Guo, B., Duan, S., Wang, Y., Gan, J., Ma, W.*, Ma, J.* (2019) Structural analysis of Phytophthora suppressor of RNA silencing 2 (PSR2) reveals a conserved modular fold contributing to virulence. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 16;116(16):8054-8059.
8) Liu, H., Wang, R., Yu, X., Shen, F., Lan, W., Haruehanroengra, P., Yao, Q., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Li, S., Wu, B., Zheng, L., Ma, J., Lin, J., Cao, C.*, Li, J.*, Sheng, J.*, Gan, J.*. (2018). High-resolution DNA quadruplex structure containing all the A-, G-, C-, T-tetrads. Nucleic acids research. 46(21):11627-11638
9) Liu, H.#, Yu, X.#, Chen, Y., Zhang, J., Wu, B., Zheng, L., Haruehanroengra, P., Wang, R., Li, S., Lin, J., Li, J., Sheng, J., Huang, Z. *, Ma, J. *, Gan, J. * (2017) Crystal structure of an RNA-cleaving DNAzyme. Nature Commnications. 8(1):2006
10) Yu, J.#, He, Z.#, He, X. Luo, Z., Lian, L., Wu, B., Lan, P.* and Chen, H.* (2021) Comprehensive Analysis of the Expression and Prognosis for MMPs in Human Colorectal Cancer. Frontiers in Oncology 2021 Nov 5; 11:771099.
11) Liu, H., Shen, F., Haruehanroengra, P., Yao, Q., Cheng, Y., Chen, Y., Yang, C., Zhang, J., Wu, B., Luo, Q., Cui, R., Li, J., Ma, J. *, Sheng, J. *, and Gan, J. * (2017) A novel DNA structure containing AgI-mediated G:G and C:C Base Pairs. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56(32):9430-9434.
12) Liu, H., Cai, C., Haruehanroengra, P., Yao, Q., Chen, Y., Yang, C., Luo, Q., Wu, B., Li, J., Ma, J. *, Sheng, J. *, Gan, J*. (2017) Flexibility and stabilization of HgII-mediated C: T and T: T base pairs in DNA duplex. Nucleic acids research. 45(5):2910-2918.
13) Zhang, J., Liu, H., Yao, Q., Yu, X., Chen, Y., Cui, R., Wu, B., Zheng, L., Zuo, J., Huang, Z*., Ma, J*., Gan, J*. (2016). Structural basis for single-stranded RNA recognition and cleavage by C3PO. Nucleic acids research. 44(19):9494-9504.
14) Liu, Y., Chen, L., Wang, N., Wu, B., Bao, H.*, Huang, H.* Structural basis for histone H3 recognition by NASP in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2022;
15)Liang, Q., Zhang X., Wei, Q., Wang, X., Zhang J., Sun, D., Fu X., Wu B., Nie, H., (2011) Establishment and Application of Multiplex PCR System Based on Molecular Markers for Glutenin Subunit Genes (Locus) in Wheat. Acta. Agron. Sin. 37(11):1942-1948