2025.3至 今,中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,副研究员
1. 抗菌药物作用机制与耐药机制
2. 抗致病菌药物研发
3. 噬菌体合成生物学
1. 博士后基金面上项目,8.00万元,2021年-2022年,项目负责人
2. 国家资助博士后研究人员计划,24.00万元,2023年-2025年,项目负责人
3. 呼吸疾病全国重点实验室自主课题,20.00万元,2024年-2026年,项目负责人
粤港澳大湾区博士博士后创新创业大赛 创新赛 铜奖(项目负责人)
1. Zeng S,Ju Y,Alam MDS,Lu Z,Hameed HMA,Li L,Tian X,Fang C,Fang X,Ding J,Wang X,Hu J,Wang S*,Zhang T*. A CRISPR-nonhomologous end-joining-based strategy for rapid and efficient gene disruption in Mycobacterium abscessus,mLife. (Accepted)
2. Zhang J,Ju Y,Li L,Hameed HMA,Yusuf B,Gao Y,Fang C,Tian X,Ding J,Ma W,Chen X,Wang S*,Zhang T*. MtrAB two-component system is crucial for the intrinsic resistance and virulence of Mycobacterium abscessus. International journal of antimicrobial agents,2025,65(2):107442.
3. Ju Y#, Li L#, Zhang J, Yusuf B, Zeng S, Fang C, Tian X, Han X, Ding J, Zhang H, Ma W, Wang S*, Chen X, Zhang T*. The gene MAB_2362 is responsible for intrinsic resistance to various drugs and virulence in Mycobacterium abscessus by regulating cell division. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2025, 69(2): e0043324.
4. Yusuf B#, Wang S#*, Alam MS, Zhang J, Liu Z, Lu Z, Ding J, Chiwala G, Gao Y, Fang C, Khan SA, Tian X, Islam MM, Hameed HMA, Maslov DA, Zhong N, Hu J*, Zhang T*. Investigating the role of MAB_1915 in intrinsic resistance to multiple drugs in Mycobacterium abscessus. Microbiology spectrum. 2024, 12(10): e0397423.
5. Wang S#, Zhang J#, Hameed HMA, Ding J, Guan P, Fang X, Peng J, Su B, Ma S, Tan Y, M Cook G, Zhang G, Lin Y, Zhong N, Hu J*, Liu J*, Zhang T*. Amino acid 17 in QRDR of gyrase A plays a key role in fluoroquinolones susceptibility in mycobacteria. Microbiology spectrum. 2023, 11(6): e0280923.
6. Wang S, Cai X, Yu W, Zeng S, Zhang J, Guo L, Gao Y, Lu Z, Hameed HMA, Fang C, Tian X, Yusuf B, Chhotaray C, Alam MDS, Zhang B, Ge H, Maslov DA, Cook GM, Peng J, Lin Y, Zhong N, Zhang G*, Zhang T*. Arabinosyltransferase C mediates multiple drugs intrinsic resistance by altering cell envelope permeability in Mycobacterium abscessus, Microbiology spectrum, 2022, 10(4): 02763-21.
7. Wang S#, Yu W#, Liu Z, Cai X, Zeng S, Zhang J, Gao Y, Tan Y, Cao Z, Guo L, Hameed HMA, Khan SA, Khan Z, Tian X, Fang C, Islam MM, Sapkota S, Guan P, Hu J, Liu J, Zhong N, Zhang T*. Rapid, serial, non-invasive quantification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in live mice with a selectable marker-free autoluminescent strain, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2020, 165: 112396.
8. Chhotaray C#, Wang S#, Tan Y, Ali A, Shehroz M, Fang C, Liu Y, Lu Z, Cai X, Hameed HMA, Islam MM, Surineni G, Tan S, Liu J, Zhang T*. Comparative analysis of whole-genome and methylome profiles of a smooth and a rough Mycobacterium abscessus clinical strain, G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 2020, 10(1): 13-22.
9. Wang S#, Wang C#, Gao L, Cai H, Zhou Y, Yang Y, Xu C, Ding W, Chen J, Muhammad I, Chen X, He X, Liu D, Li Y*. Rutin inhibits Streptococcus suis biofilm formation by affecting CPS biosynthesis. Frontiers in pharmacology, 2017, 16(8): 379.
10. Wang S, Yang Y, Zhao Y, Zhao H, Bai J, Chen J, Zhou Y, Wang C, Li Y*. Sub-MIC tylosin inhibits Streptococcus suis biofilm formation and results in differential protein expression. Frontiers in microbiology, 2016, 30(7): 384.