2012.09-2016.06 河南大学药学院 药物制剂(生物制药方向)
2016.09-2019.06 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院(硕士) 生物工程
2019.09-2022.06 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院(博士) 免疫学
2022.07-2025.01 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院(博士后)
2025.02-至今 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院(副研究员)
1. 抗分枝杆菌药物研发,药物作用机制与耐药机制的研究。
2. 构建自主发光细菌,建立基于自主发光菌的抗菌药物体内外筛选评价模型。
1. 2024年国家重点研发计划项目——《多模态活体动物宏微尺度综合成像系统》子课题五——《多模态活体动物宏微尺度综合成像系统应用示范》(项目编号:2023YFF0713600;子课题五编号:2023YFF0713605,2023.11-2026.10)【课题五子课题负责人】
2. 2024年国家自然科学基金面上项目——《HPI对高毒力碳青霉烯耐药大肠埃希菌新克隆ST410-B5/H24RxC在体内定植和演化的影响研究》(项目编号:82472321,2025.01-2028.12)【主要参与人,参与单位负责人】
3. 2023年国家自然科学基金青年基金项目——《硼替佐米靶向Clp和20S蛋白酶系统的抗结核机制研究》(项目编号:32300152,2024.01-2026.12)【项目负责人】
4. 2022年中国博士后科学基金第72批面上资助项目——《新型抗结核药物怡莱霉素E(Ilamycin E)的作用机制研究》(项目编号:2022M723164,2023.01-2024.12)【项目负责人,已结题】
5. 2022年度广东省基础与应用基础研究基金省市(粤穗)联合基金青年基金——《新型抗分枝杆菌候选药物Ilamycin E的抗菌活性和作用机制研究》(项目编号:2022A1515110505,2022.10-2025.09)【项目负责人】
1. Liu Y#,Gao Y#,Liu J,Tan Y,Liu Z,Chhotaray C,Jiang H,Lu Z,Chiwala G,Wang S,Makafe G,Islam MM,Hameed HMA,Cai X,Wang C,Li X,Tan S,Zhang T*. The compound TB47 is highly bactericidal against Mycobacterium ulcerans in a Buruli ulcer mouse model. Nat Commun. 2019,10:524. [两人共一,排第二;IF=14.7]
2. Surineni G#, Gao Y#, Chhotaray C, Islam MM, Hameed HMA, Zhang T*. Design and synthesis of novel benzoimidazole tethered allylidenehydrazinylmethylthiazole derivatives as potent inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. MedChemComm. 2019, 10:49-60. [两人共一,排第二]
3. Gao Y#, Hameed HMA, Liu Y, Guo L, Fang C, Tian X, Liu Z, Wang S, Lu Z, Islam MM, Zhang T*. Ultra-short-course and intermittent TB47-containing oral regimens produce stable cure against Buruli ulcer in a murine model and prevent the emergence of resistance for Mycobacterium ulcerans. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2021, 11(3):738-749. [唯一一作;IF=14.7]
4. Tian X#, Gao Y#, Wang S, Hameed HMA, Yu W, Fang C, Zhang J, Tan Y, Cao Z, Guan P, Hu J , Liu J, Zhong N, Zhang T*. Rapid visualized assessment of drug efficacy in live mice with a selectable marker-free autoluminescent Klebsiella pneumoniae. Biosens Bioelectron. 2021, 177:112919. [两人共一,排第二;IF=10.7;]
5. He J#, Gao Y#, Wang J, Hameed HMA*, Wang S, Fang C, Tian X, Zhang J, Han X, Ju Y, Tan Y, Ma J, Ju J, Hu J*, Liu J*, Zhang T*. EmbB and EmbC regulate the sensitivity of Mycobacterium abscessus to echinomycin. mLife. 2024, 3(3):459-470. [两人共一,排第二;IF= 4.6]
6. Tian X#, Gao Y#, Li C#, Ma W, Zhang J, Ju Y, Ding J, Zeng S, Hameed HMA, Zhong N, Cook GM, Hu J*, Zhang T*. A novel non-invasive murine model for rapidly testing drug activity via inhalation administration against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Front Pharmacol. 2025, 15:1400436. [三人共一,排第二;IF=4.4]
7. Ding J#, Hameed HMA, Long L, Zhang J, Fang C, Tian X, Zhang H, Li L, Li C, Yang R, Gao Y*, Wang S*, Zhang T*. Correlation between rrs gene mutations and amikacin resistance in Mycobacterium abscessus: implications for fitness cost and clinical prevalence. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2025 Jan 28:dkae468. [共同通讯;IF=3.9]
8. Fang C#, He J, Zhang H, Tian X, Zeng S, Han X, Wang S, Yusuf B, Hu J, Zhong N, Gao Y*, Hameed HMA*, Zhang T*. GrcC1 mediates low-level resistance to multiple drugs in M. marinum, M. abscessus and M. smegmatis. Microbiol Spectr 0:e02289-24. [共同通讯;IF= 3.7]
9. Zhou B#, Gao Y#, Zhao H#, Liu B, Zhang H, Fang C, Yuan H, Wang J, Li Z, Zhao Y, Huang X, Wang X, Oliveira ASF, Spencer J, Mulholland AJ , Burston SG, Chen X*, He J*, Zhang T*, Xiong X*. Activation mechanism of caseinolytic chaperone-protease system in Mycobacterium tuberculosis by the anti-cancer drug bortezomib. Nat Commun. [已接收;三人共一,排第二;IF=14.7]