1. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划,SQ2024YFA1100190,干细胞研究与器官修复,2024年12月-至今,在研,参与。
2. Singh-Chhatwal-Postdoctoral Fellowship Program,亥姆霍兹感染研究中心 ,2022年05月-2024年04月,博士后基金,负责人。
1. Zhang,B.,Zhang,Z.,Koeken,V.A.,Kumar,S.,Aillaud,M.,Tsay,H.C.,Liu,Z.,Kraft,A.R.,Soon,C.F.,Odak,I. and Bošnjak,B.,2023. Altered and allele-specific open chromatin landscape reveals epigenetic and genetic regulators of innate immunity in COVID-19. Cell Genomics, 3(2). (共同一作)
2. Zhang,Z.,Trypsteen,W.,Blaauw,M.,Chu,X.,Rutsaert,S.,Vandekerckhove,L.,van der Heijden,W.,Dos Santos,J.C.,Xu,C.J.,Swertz,M.A. and van der Ven,A.,2021. IRF7 and RNH1 are modifying factors of HIV-1 reservoirs: a genome-wide association analysis. BMC medicine, 19,pp.1-17.(共同一作)
3. Yi,Y.,Zhang,Z.,Zhao,F.,Liu,H.,Yu,L.,Zha,J. and Wang,G.,2018. Probiotic potential of Bacillus velezensis JW: antimicrobial activity against fish pathogenic bacteria and immune enhancement effects on Carassius auratus. Fish & shellfish immunology, 78,pp.322-330.(共同一作)
4. Zhang,Z.,van Dijk,F.,de Klein,N.,van Gijn,M.E.,Franke,L.H.,Sinke,R.J.,Swertz,M.A. and van der Velde,K.J.,2021. Feasibility of predicting allele specific expression from DNA sequencing using machine learning. Scientific reports, 11(1),p.10606.
5. Zhang,X.,Zhang,Z. and Chen,X.L.,2021. The redox proteome of thiol proteins in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12,p.648894. (共同一作)
6. Xu,S.,Li,X.,Zhang,S.,Qi,C.,Zhang,Z., Ma,R.,Xiang,L.,Chen,L.,Zhu,Y.,Tang,C. and Bourgonje,A.R.,2023. Oxidative stress gene expression,DNA methylation,and gut microbiota interaction trigger Crohn’s disease: a multi-omics Mendelian randomization study. BMC medicine, 21(1),p.179. (参与作者)
7. Li,Y.,Zhao,J.,Achinas,S.,Zhang,Z., Krooneman,J. and Euverink,G.J.W.,2020. The biomethanation of cow manure in a continuous anaerobic digester can be boosted via a bioaugmentation culture containing Bathyarchaeota. Science of the Total Environment, 745,p.141042. (参与作者)
8. Aznaourova,M.,Schmerer,N.,Janga,H.,Zhang,Z.,Pauck,K.,Bushe,J.,Volkers,S.M.,Wendisch,D.,Georg,P.,Ntini,E. and Aillaud,M.,2022. Single-cell RNA sequencing uncovers the nuclear decoy lincRNA PIRAT as a regulator of systemic monocyte immunity during COVID-19. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(36),p.e2120680119. (参与作者)