2009.09 至2013.06,陇东学院,生物科学,学士
2014.09 至2016.06,兰州大学,发育生物学,硕士
2016.09 至2021.06,兰州大学,动物学,博士
2025.01至今 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,副研究员
专注于神经退行性疾病及神经系统损伤的再生医学研究,主要通过基因编辑技术改造人源诱导多能干细胞(human iPSCs, hiPSCs),开发新型治疗策略,应用于肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)、帕金森病(PD)等神经退行性疾病,以及脊髓损伤和脑卒中等神经系统损伤的治疗。
1. 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目(2025.01-2027.12),项目负责人;
2. 中国博士后科学基金-特别资助项目(2023.06-2024.08),项目负责人;
3. 中国博士后科学基金-面上资助项目(2022.06-2023.08),项目负责人;
4. 中国科学院基础研究项目-中国科学院广州分院院长青年人才(培优)基金(2024.01-2024.12),项目负责人;
5. 广州市科学技术局-基础与应用基础研究项目(2023.04-2025.03),项目负责人。
1. Jiaowei Wang#,Wenguang Xie#,Nan Li#,Wenjuan Li#,Zhishuai Zhang#,Nana Fan,Zhen Ouyang,Yu Zhao,Chengdan Lai,Hao Li,Mengqi Chen,Longquan Quan,Yunpan Li,Yu Jiang,Wenqi Jia,Lixin Fu,Md Abdul Mazid,Yanling Zhu,Patrick H Maxwell,Guangjin Pan*,Miguel A Esteban*,Zhen Dai* and Liangxue Lai*, Generation of a humanized mesonephros in pigs from induced pluripotent stem cells via embryo complementation, Cell Stem Cell,2023,30(9):1235-1245.
2. Ting Li *,Ting Xu,Jin Zhao,Hao Gao,Wenguang Xie, Depletion of iNOS-positive inflammatory cells decelerates neuronal degeneration and alleviates cerebral ischemic damage by suppressing the inflammatory response, Free Radical Biology and Medicine,2022,181(2022)209–220.
3. Wenguang Xie#,Xiao-Ting Gong#,Xiaofeng Cheng#,Jingjing Cao*,Jin Zhao,Hao-Li Zhang*,and Shengxiang Zhang*, LIMPID: a versatile method for visualization of brain vascular networks, Biomaterials Science,2021,9: 2658-2669.
4. Ting Li,Jin Zhao,Wenguang Xie,Wanru Yuan,Jing Guo,Shengru Pang,Wen-Biao Gan*,Diego Gómez-Nicola* and Shengxiang Zhang*,Specific depletion of resident microglia in the early stage of stroke reduces cerebral ischemic damage, Journal of Neuroinflammation,2021,18(1):81.
5. Xiao-Ting Gong#, Wenguang Xie#,Jing-Jing Cao*,Shengxiang Zhang*,Kanyi Pu* and Hao-Li Zhang *,NIR-emitting semiconducting polymer nanoparticles for in vivo two-photon vascular imaging, Biomaterials Science,2020,8: 2666-2672.
6. Na Zhang#,Dandan Chai#,Huifen Du,Kesheng Li*,Wenguang Xie,Xingwen Li,Rong Yang,Xiaowen Lian and Yang Xu,Expression of Reg IV and SOX9 and their correlation in human gastric cancer,BMC Cancer,2018,18:344.
7. Zhijie Yang,Wenguang Xie,Furong Ju,Akbar khan,Shengxiang Zhang*,In vivo two-photon imaging reveals a role of progesterone in reducing axonal dieback after spinal cord injury in mice, Neuropharmacology,2016,116(116):30-37.